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Be a Sponsor!

Your sponsorship will improve the lives of women and children and the deaf and hard of hearing in the Baton Rouge community.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting Sponsor 15K (10 included)
1 Remaining
  • Inclusion in 3 months promotional campaign
  • Social media posting of name and logo
  • Logo, name and web-link highlighted on event website
  • Share promotional video
  • In-person on stage welcome
  • Promotional items on guest tables
  • Brand prominently displayed at event
  • Complimentary champagne at the table
  • 1 reserve table of 10 with company signage

Platinum Sponsor 10K (10 included)
5 Remaining
  • Social media exposure
  • Logo, name and web-link highlighted on event website
  • Select naming rights to the pre-event cocktail reception, silent auction, runway, bar I or bar I
  • Recognition by the Master of Ceremonies
  • Provide promotional items to attendees
  • Complimentary champagne at the table
  • 1 reserve table of 10 with company signage

Gold Sponsor 5K (10 included)
20 Remaining
  • Social media exposure
  • Logo on event website
  • Recognition on event screens and slide presentation
  • 1 reserve table of 10 with company signage

Silver Sponsor 3K (10 included)
20 Remaining
  • Company logo on program/event promotional materials
  • Logo on event website
  • 1 reserve table of 10 with company signage

Premium Reserved Table (10 included) $0.00
  • 1 Reserved table of 10 with signage
  • Listing on event website and program

I would like to make a donation
